The NK Blog Welcomes Pilates Stance to the NK Chamber of Commerce

The North Kingstown Blog welcomes to the North Kingstown Chamber of Commerce - Pilates Stance. Being in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years, I had the opportunity to try out many different strength machines and exercise programs. Starting with Nautilus strength equipment in the early 1990's to the modern day strength systems... Continue Reading →

Congrats to all Scouts from Pack One Saunderstown

At a recent ceremony, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts gathered with friends and family for the annual graduation ceremony.  Wolfs became Bears.  Bears became Webelo 1.  Webelo 1 become Webelos 2, and so on.  Scouts were brought up with their groups and the Advancement Trail proceedings commenced.   Oaths were taken and faces were painted.  Cameras... Continue Reading →

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