Lori Delfosse: Featured Artist at The Hive 2015 Art Show

The Hive RI welcomes you to the 2015 Art Show and Mill Wide Open House. There will be a number of artists on display for this event, which is May 30th from 4-8pm. Here is one of the artists who will be featured in the Art Show, Lori Delfosse.  Lori was kind enough to answer a few questions about her work.  Here is an excerpt from our email conversation:


Lori, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule at the Eden Studio to answer a few questions.  First off, what style of art would you say your work falls into?

Good morning Noel.  I work in several styles – watercolor representational acrylic abstract,  and stained-glass windows & votives.

Can you be explain what your artwork means to you and your motivation to paint?

Sure thing,   My early work of brilliant flowers took on a flavor of Georgia O’Keefe although with a more vibrant saturation of color. The sparkle and glow of my stained-glass pieces evoke her playful awe as light dances with the color elements. My latest expression of acrylic abstracts demonstrates my forever exploration of the inner world searching for his/her muse. I am truly driven for constant creation.

I read in your bio that you are originally from the midwest.

Yes, Wisconsin to be exact.  I won several awards in WI and decided it was time to set out for new discoveries and I landed in RI. The Ocean State attributes a shift in my color selection and seashell subject.

Where can people see your work locally here in North Kingstown?

My work is currently displayed for sale in Wickford RI’s  Historic District downtown shop, The Wickford Collection.

You mentioned that proceeds from your work go to an important charity. Can you tell me about this and who it is benefitting?

A portion of my artwork’s proceeds are donated to LIVE LIFE, a non-profit organization.  I encourage you to visit their website at http://www.livelifevibrantly.org .  It is an organization which supports people in need: Women in Transition, US Veterans and Community Initiatives.

Click on the video to learn more about Lori Delfosse’s work and see samples of her artwork.

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