New and Improved Little League® East Website

The East Region of Little League® baseball consists of 12 states, including New England.  This regional chapter of Little League® provides information and guidance for hundreds of players, coaches, and teams throughout their 12 state network.  You and your local team can download important safety forms, read about upcoming tournaments and events, and follow up on important rule changes for the regular season and tournament time.  Their new website can be found by logging onto

lleast tourney

The East Region website features tons of archive forms and articles to make sure your league is running smoothly and that our players are safe.  There are media guides and forms for webcasting games, social media posts, local news outlets, and more.  If you need to find a league in your local area, this website can assist with that.  This new East Region website is a comprehensive source of information for all things Little League®.

And for additional baseball news on a national and international scale, you can visit the official website for Little League® baseball at

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